FEES 2023

Remember sponsorship would help fees be reduced so if you know anyone who would be keen for cheap advertising on our website and shirts let Club secretary know.

Senior Player -   $475.00
Senior Goalie (with own gear) -   $360.00
University Student Players -   $350.00
Secondary School Players -   $380.00


Any outstanding fees from previous seasons MUST be cleared in full before the first game!

- Bank directly into Mahurangi Hockey Club bank account, either at the bank or using Internet Banking (account details below)
- Automatic Payment option.  This needs to be arranged IMMEDIATELY. There are approx 20 weeks in the season (so you need to select the correct fee from above to be paid over 20 weeks (or less).

If you set up an AP, or pay your money directly into the bank account, can you please send an email to
[email protected] with your name, team & what you have paid/set up, so this info can be forwarded onto our Treasurer. This helps us to keep track of the incoming money.

Bank: ASB

Branch: Orewa
Account name: Mahurangi Hockey Club Inc
Account number: 12-3046-0011008-00