Mātua Mā, Whānau Sports Club, Manatopu

2024 Manawatu Touch Association, Mixed Social Grade Champions
2024 Manawatu Softball Association, Women's Premier Grade Champions

​​​​​​​Welcome to Matua Ma, Whanau Sports Club, Manatopu

Matua Ma was established in 2015 as a result discussions and interests from like minded and sporting Whanau from Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Manawatu. The Whanau recognised that once rangitahi left for secondary school and pursued their sporting endeavours, the Whanau connections slowly resided, therefore the creation of the Matua Ma, Whanau Sports Club was established.  ​​​​​

We have teams in the following sports:

  • Touch, Social Grade Mixed competition starts in Nov 24 (Wednesday), 
  • Squash (Business House) next competiton starts in Aug 24 (Thursday),
  • Volleyball (Competitive and Social Grades) Apr 24 (Monday)
  • Netball Women's Team starts Apr 24, and
  • Softball Women's and Men's Grade (Season commences Oct 24).

To become a Club Member, you must either be a past or present student or Whanau of TKKMoM or Whanau of those members.

Nau mai, haere mai whanau!