Mission Statment
The Mission Heights Sports Department endeavours to create sporting opportunities for every students in MHJC. We base every decision make on the very important MHJC values.
Our Vision:
"Growing greatness through innovative, constantly evolving, personalised learning"
Pono/ Integrity - This is how we relate to others when playing sports. We display this in Sports through Integrity, resilience and always doing the right this as we display sportsmanship.
Awhinatanga/Compassion - This is how we relate to others when we play sports. We display this in Sports through, being kind and caring for others, knowing that everyone is valuable and valued, to be upstanding, not being a bystander.
Whakamana/ Empowering through learning. We display this in Sports through being life long learners in the hope that our learners will be active and play sports through life.