Welcome to the 2025 Season.
Please read the following information before completing the rego form. It contains lots of important information regarding pre-season training, new fee structures, trial dates, new dates in the season in Term 2 and communication channels.
Deadline for Registration Sunday 16th February, midnight.
Early Bird Registration 1st Feb to Midnight 8th Feb & Rate
Seniors & Year 9/10 $202
Years 7 / 8 $84
Standard Registration 9th Feb to midnight 16th Feb & Rate
Senior & Year 9/10 $222
Year 7 / 8 $104
Late rego fee incl admin fee
Senior & Year 9 / 10 $272
Year 7/ 8 $154
The committee no longer has the time or the capacity to chase parents and players who do not register during the registration period.
Season Fee Changes & Explanation
This year, the fee for registration has increased to reflect several improvements aimed at enhancing the overall experience for both players and volunteers. Here’s a breakdown of the changes:
Indoor Training FacilitiesAll teams will now train indoors at either PAC or Rec or the MAC Gym (please see the season training days below). This change ensures that all players can train and play in an undercover environment, unaffected by weather conditions. To cover the cost of the indoor court hire, this fee has been included in the registration fee.(Note: Last season, some teams that trained at PAC were charged an additional court hire fee, collected by the coaches during the season or players were invoiced. This year we’ve included the cost upfront to streamline administration for all our volunteers.)
Umpire FeesThe registration fee now includes the umpire fee for years 9/10 and Seniors. In previous seasons, players paid this fee directly to their coaches or managers once the season had started. By including this cost in the upfront registration fee, we aim to reduce administrative tasks and ensure smoother operations at the start of the season. The year 7 and 8 fee does not include umpire fees as umpires are our Rookie Umpires or volunteers.
Improved Administrative ToolsTo support our dedicated volunteers and enhance communication, the committee has subscribed to various administration and communication platforms, including Xero. These tools help reduce the time volunteers spend managing finances, scheduling, and communications—allowing us to focus more on creating a great experience for our players, coaches and managers.
Increased Fees to Netball Upper Clutha NUC’s fees have increased to cover their additional costs. MANC pay team fees to NUC each season.
Please contact mtaspiringnc@gmail.com in confidence if you would like help funding the registration fee. Players must register in Term 1 by the deadline date so we may work out players for trials and information for the number of teams and number of coaches. It takes time for volunteers to chase people.
Thank you to Ray and Elsie Armstrong Trust for their donation towards the funding of the court hire fees for year 7 and 8 training. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful in obtaining grants for court hire for the Year 9 and 10 and Senior training courts and we will pursue this again for the 2026 year.
Please view the following links prior to completing the form.
Year 7/8 Information
Year 9/10 Information
Year 11-13 Information
To confirm your registration you will receive a confirmation email from notifications@sporty.co.nz. Please immediately check your inbox and junk mail for this. The confirmation email will be sent to the email listed under Participant Details (i.e. if you enter your child's address your child will receive the confirmation email).
Please fill in the Mt Aspiring Netball Club (MANC) Season Registration - OPEN ON 1ST FEBRUARY.
If you have any questions please email mtaspiringnc@gmail.com
Thank you
Information will be posted on the Mt Aspiring Netball Club Facebook page. Please turn notifications on to all notifications not just highlights. Due to volunteer time restraints we cannot always email details to all players and parents. Please follow the Facebook page. Also add these emails to your address book so items don't go to junk mail. mtaspiringnc@gmail.com or manccollegiatenetball@gmail.com. Registration info will come from notifications@sporty.co.nz We advise you to also add netballupperclutha@gmail.com to your address book.
If you have any questions please email mtaspiringnc@gmail.com