The current annual Membership options are:
- Individual Membership (Members aged over 18 years): $185.00
- Youth / Intermediate (Members aged 16 to 18): $50.00
- Family Membership: $ 200.00 (shall comprise a SENIOR MEMBER and SPOUSE and their children OVER THE AGE OF 12 YEARS but not yet 16 years of age, or over 16 years of age if still a dependent child). Note: Children 13-15 years old need to be accompanied by a parent while they are at the club.
We encourage persons or families interested in joining the club to come along and enjoy a few sessions with us before formally joining to ensure that the club will meet your needs and give yourselves a chance to meet us too!
All membership requests are ratified by the committee.
Members enjoy access to our extensive library of railway and hobby books and magazines. The club subscribes to a number of New Zealand and overseas railfan and hobby magazines so current information is always to hand.
Another benefit of membership is access to our talented and likeminded group of hobbyists.
Got a tricky question? Someone will be able to assist!