Norths 1, 2 and 3 (Te Rauparaha Arena)  $125 per player  (includes cost of floddlights)

Norths Ladies (Te Rauparaha Arena)  $120 per player

Norths 4, 5 and Norths Wāhine  (Saturdays at Mungavin)  $70 per player

Junior 1 - 4:  $50.00

Norths Kererū, Norths Kōtuku, Norths Kororā and Norths Kiwi:  $45.00

A family discount is available for two or more in the one family. Please identify this when registering.  The discount is applied as follows:

A full fee is charged for the player in the highest grade, and then the fee is halved for each sibling after that e.g. in a family where there are three children the following applies:

Sibling 1 - Junior A team pays $50.00
Sibling 2 - Future Ferns pay $22.50 instead of $45.00
Sibling 3 - Future Ferns pay $22.50 instead of $45.00

Please pay fees directly into the North's bank account.  Remember to provide players first and surname 
as the reference so we know who the money has come from.

Our accounts details are:
Northern United Netball Club