Oamaru Multisport Club
C/- 78 Reservoir Road
Ph 03-434-7944, Cellph 021-309-439
OAMARU MULTISPORT CLUB SUMMER TRAININGCYCLING –On Monday evenings, during daylight saving, we travel to Waimate for their bike race. The distance is 15km which is 2 laps of a circuit which starts at Waimate Timber on Marshlands Road.
Car/Van pooling is available from 78 Reservoir Road.
We leave from Oamaru at 5.30pm. Racing starts at 6.30pm.
Enquiries to Adair Craik 021-309-439 email:
adair@adairca.co.nzSATURDAY CYCLINGOn Saturday afternoons, we travel to Timaru to compete with Cycling Timaru and St Andrews Clubs
.Car/Van pooling is available from 78 Reservoir Road.
We leave from Oamaru at 12 noon. Racing starts at 2.pm.
SWIMMINGTuesday & Thursday 6am
Venue: Waitaki Aquatic Centre