·  Muster this year is Sunday 15th March 4-5pm - please arrive at least 30 mins early. Quick AGM will follow muster - We will also be organising a couple of practise games after the muster on a weekday to sort teams. If unable to attend muster please either email / text Graeme or me if you are still keen to play this year for OHC

·  Open Practice - we have a practice slot from 6-7pm on Tuesday evenings - all welcome. Make the most of it as practise fees are added to your subs regardless

·  Extra Players - if you know of any extra players that want to join our club please invite them along to the muster

·  Volunteer needed - I cannot organise the Chiefs team this year - we will need a volunteer to coordinate this team - Let me know if you can help out & I will pass onto Graeme. I will assist initially if possible.

·  If you could also advise before the muster (by next week) if you are wanting to play for OHC  - this will give us approx numbers to work on