Pembroke School (Oamaru)

Future Ferns Netball Programme

Year 1 & 2 Programme

Introduces Netball to 5 - 6 year olds. 

The aim is to develop fundamental movement and ball skills. The game that follows the preceding skill session is played on one third of a full sized court, by teams of four, with the emphasis on equal participation.

Modified equipment is used.

Year 3 & 4 Programme

The focus for this age group is learning basic skills in a modified game of 5-a-side, using two-thirds of a Netball court. 

ANZ futureFERNS Year 3 & 4 is designed to be fast and fun, maximising participation.

Five players in each team and rotating positions ensures everyone gets an equal chance to develop their skills.

Year 5 & 6 Programme

This programme involves playing 6 v 6 which is a fast game providing lots of touches on the ball. 

The 6 v 6 game is played on a full size court with three positions on each team. Players rotate to prevent early specialisation in positions. 

The emphasis is on all players getting plenty of touches of the ball and the opportunity to develop a broad skill set.