Porirua West Community Mapping

Developed by Nuku One (previously Sport Wellington)

Follow the link below to see what is available in our area. More information is on the Nuku One website

These maps can be used in a number of ways to benefit both the teachers, students and whānau within your school.

For example:

  1. Knowing the local facilities and parks/playgrounds in your area when planning for EOTC or activities outside of the school grounds.
  2. Help with meeting the requirements around Strand D: Healthy Communities and Environments.
  3. Schools’ engagement with local clubs- having a quick link guide without having to do all of the research yourselves.
  4. Sharing information from the map with whānau and students about the closest club they are interested in or if they want to know what activities their children could get involved in.
  5. Sharing the map with new whānau to the area so they can get a good sense of the layout of the land within their community.
  6. Show to whānau at community evenings- letting them know what’s out there.

A few tips and tricks around navigating the map:

  • Hover over the pin- it will highlight the name of the place on the left side bar (you may have to move side bar up or down).
  • Click on pin and it will show you details of the place including a website link (if applicable).
  • You can show layers or hide them depending on what information you are wanting.
  • The places within the left side bar are in alphabetical order for ease of referencing.