Rangimarie Tennis Club

Come on down any fine Sunday 2-5pm for pick-up games of adult social tennis!

Rangimarie - Where you don't just play, you belong!  Check out some video action on the Rangimarie courts! -  Click Here

Social tennis - every fine Sunday 2-5pm
Subs only $60 for all year round tennis
3 astroturf courts.  Come along one Sunday and have a go!

80th anniversary of tennis on site - Sunday 14 October 2012.  Wellington turned on a great sunny afternoon for this celebration - have a look at the photos in the gallery and at the Anniversary booklet!

I am sorry to say that our friend and fellow tennis player Bob Kensington passed away on 11 July.

His funeral will be on Wednesday 17 July at 11am at Harbour city Funeral Home Cnr Onepu Road & Cockburn Street Kilbirnie

Afterwards refreshments will be at Rangimarie Tennis Club rooms

Best wishes
