​​​​​​​                             Riverton Netball Club                         ​​​​​​​

Bank account - 

06 0954 0035335 00 

 Riverton Netball
Important Information

Welcome to the Riverton Netball Club. We all look forward to a fantastic 2022 season with lots of support from family and friends.  

Uniforms - The club provides a base uniform for all players. This consists of a netball skirt, top and a jacket. These will be allocated to players. We ask that these items be looked after carefully and are returned to the team manager promptly at the end of the season. Players will be invoiced for the replacement price of any uniform pieces that are not returned to the club. Laundry arrangements vary for each team so your team manager will advise you as to your specific team requirements. Players are asked to provide dark or black underwear or bike shorts & white socks. Please note that bike shorts are not to be showing below the uniform skirt. Players may purchase a team hoodie at their own cost. Another order to be completed at the start of the season – look out for more information.

Personal - There is to be no jewellery or long finger nails at practice or games. Hair must be tied up if able.

Sports Draw - The draw for Saturday games is available on Central’s website, which is www.sporty.co.nz/centralnetball. The team will be informed at practice or via text as to what time and where to meet for the following Saturday.

Absence - If a player is going to be absent for either practice or Saturday games, please ensure the coach or manager is notified as soon as possible.

Competition Start Date - This has yet to be set.

Saturday Games - These are always played at the Central Southland Netball Courts, John St, Winton.

Cancellations will be on radio stations from 8.00am Saturday mornings but managers will more than likely contact team members via text message if games are cancelled.

Any concerns? Please feel free to discuss player progress or any concerns with the team Coach or Manager. (This would be best done outside practices and game time). If you are unsatisfied, the next step is to take your concerns to the club president (Lynley Woodward).

Subs - from 2022 are based on the school year/age of the player consistent with a change to the way affiliation fees are now charged to the club. Sub details are included on the online registration form and we appreciate payment as soon as possible. Our expectation is that all subs are paid by the third playing Saturday of the competition. Our preferred method of payment is direct credit via internet banking. If possible, please pay this way, the bank account number is detailed on your registration form, the club webpage and our Facebook page. Please use players surname and initials as the reference. If you prefer to pay by cash or cheque, please pay to the team manager. Cheques can be made out to Riverton Netball Club. We can sort out an instalment arrangement to help with sub payment.

Club Obligations - As part of the Riverton Netball Club’s obligations to Central Southland Netball Centre, the club is expected to run the courts two to three times per season (duty days). This involves set up, clean up, running the canteen, and providing some food for the canteen. The Riverton Club allocates jobs depending on game times on the day, so your manager will provide details nearer the time. It is expected that all members will assist with duty day requirements. We will notify everyone of our allocated duty days as soon as possible.

Fundraising - As with all clubs fundraising is sometimes necessary - you will be notified via the team manager of these opportunities and we would appreciate your help if possible.