Her Rules

She Rules by Her Rules 

Her rules is an exciting new intiative that is led by our Wāhine Activator, Karysa Wilkinson. It is a program that facilitates a safe, inclusive, and fun environment for year 5-6 female tamariki to partcipate in play and active recreation.

The unique element of this program is that it is co-designed by the kōtiro/girls at each school, in order to meet the needs of each indivdual and group. Knowing that their voice is heard will help to grow the following:

  • Engagement

  • Leadership

  • Whanaugatanga (sustaining strong relationships)

  • New ideas and mātauranga (knolwedge)

  • Mana motuhake (self-determination) and confidence 

Why is this program important?

Sport New Zealand’s research shows that these are the most influential years in regards to whether or not a tamariki decides to continue their participation in sport.

Encouraging young wāhine to play by their own rules, without being told what they should be playing, helps them to feel that they are able to meet their own needs through physical activity.

The long-term goal of this program is not only to create opportunities for kōtiro/girls to try out physical activty, but to strengthen the relationship they have with play and active recreation so that they continue to particpate with friends and whānau long after they have left school. 

Further Information


Please get in contact with Karysa Wilkinson our Wāhine Activator to get a hold of our registration form or if you have any patai (questions) about Her Rules. 

Karysa Wilkinson, Her Rules Lead

[email protected]

Our Partners in this Intiative