The Enrolment Application and Attendance Dues Agreement forms can be downloaded below, or, on enquiry you will be sent an enrolment pack including a SJMGC Information Booklet and hard copies of the forms below.
It is necessary for the College to receive a completed Enrolment Application form before any applications for admission are processed. You are required to send the following with your application for enrolment.
During the year,interviews at the College are arranged for those whānau who have returned their enrolment application forms.
Interviews generally take place during Terms 3 and 4, of the year preceeding entry. Interviews at other times are at the discretion of the College.
Interviews take around 60min and there is an opportunity for your daughter and the whānau to ask questions and have tour of the College. During the application process, we may contact current and previous schools regarding the application.
In the event of a successful applicaton, a letter of confirmation of acceptance of your daughter’s enrolment is sent to you.
A newsletter with full information about the pōhiri and Opening day etc. will be sent to you towards the end of the year with a follow-up newsletter in January
06 844-8461
School Email:
Principal Email:
Physical Address:
25 Osier Road, Greenmeadows,
Napier 4112
Postal Address:
Private Bag 6031, Hawkes Bay Mail Centre, Napier 4142