South Malvern Netball Club

South Malvern Netball Club welcomes you to our website. South Malvern Netball Club is a rural Netball Club based in Glentunnel. We welcome players from Glentunnel, Coalgate, Whitecliffs, Hororata, Windwhistle and surrounding areas across all grades. 

Our mission is to support our Netball players to reach their full potential. We support them by providing interesting practices and supportive games; we also offer up-to-date training to our managers, coaches, assistant coaches,  referees and umpires.

Our families are always welcome to get involved and share their knowledge, we know that you know your children the best and you are always knowledgeable about creative ways to keep everyone motivated and positive. 

Our Senior teams are great role models for our younger players as well. They are often sharing knowledge about proper warm-ups and skills etc. 


SOUTH MALVERN CLUB DAY: Please Register on Website

SUBS for 2024

Yr 1-4 $45

yr 5-6 $70 

Yr 7-8-9 $85.00

Seniors/ Social $105.00

Family of 2 or more have a 10% discount.

Bank Acc:      South Malvern Netball

                          38 9001 0626751 00

Alternatively, you can contact our Treasurer Sarah Aarts on  0278562292 to arrange payment.

Registration forms:

Registration forms are available as a digital copy. Can be emailed directly to you from if you prefer. 

Practices are usually held at the Glentunnel Primary and Hororata Primary Schools.

Thank you

See you soon

Dates to remember:

-Registrations are Open Now! 

-Netball General Meeting -09/04/2024​​​​​​​

-Club Day - 14/04/2024

-Registrations Close - 26/04/2024

-Monday Junior Netball Yr 1-4 - 29/04/2024

-Saturday Netball Yr5 + & Social - 04/05/2024

If at first, you don’t succeed… then try doing what

your COACH told you the first time.'

South Malvern Uniform:

• White or black socks • Black underwear OR short black bike shorts/skins • Plain black thermal tops • Black Skirt or Green/white & Black dress • Boys - Black shorts • Shirts can be either: Plain Green, Green & Black or Green, Black & White (Most shirts will be the new CCC Green, Black & White) • Black hoodie or green jacket (optional - for bad/ cold weather days) • Black, green or white hair ties.


Erika Brown

Club Secretary.​​​​​​​