- 1st XI Premier 1 champions in 2017, finalists in 2020. 3rd place in 2023
- 1st XI traditionals against St Bedes, St Pat’s Silverstream, and Francis Douglas (New Plymouth).
- Six teams, 69 players
- Black Caps include Old Boys Evan Gray and Jonathan Millmow. Current Firebirds include Luke Georgeson and Lauchie Johns.
- Bi-annual trip to Australia. The 1st XI and development team went to Brisbane Sept 2023. The next trip will be in 2025
- Professional Coach for the 1st XI
- Terms played: 1 & 4
- Trials: 1st week of term 1 (Date TBC) at the SPC Cricket nets
- 2024 Game Days: Saturday starting at noon - 40 over format
- Practice Days: Training after school in the College nets (depending on coach availability)
- Costs: $180, includes cricket cap. You need to purchase playing top, long pants and clads from Kilbirnie Sports
Contact: jonathan.millmow@stpats.school.nz