To coaches and managers - Welcome to the 2023 Competition, what a fantastic season we had last year, everything appeared to run very smoothly.
A few changes again this year please read carefully.
Competition format is:
Mondays Year 4’s – 8 teams. First game at 3.30 with last game finishing by 6.00 pm
Tuesday Year 5 & 6 – 21 teams – 3 sections – with 1 game to be played on the Monday at
6.00pm. Every Tuesday team will have at least two games on a Monday – check draw carefully. First game at 3.30 finishing by 7.30 pm
Section 1 – 7 teams, Section 2 – 7eams, Section 3 – 7 teams,
Wednesdays Year ½ - 8 teams ; Year 3’s - 7 teams. First game at 3.30 with last game finishing by 6.30pm
Once again we have made a number of changes that will ensure this fantastic competition continues to grow and give our children the opportunity to be involved in the game of ‘miniball’.
Some important information:
Referees – we have our students from the Taieri College and other schools returning. Members of the committee maybe assisting them in the first few weeks. (if needed). Please respect their decisions and ensure that all players do so too. On the Wednesday our referees will be getting a little more involved on the court, clearly explaining/ showing the kids what they have done etc.
Draw: The draw has been produced using a computerised programme.
And is available on our website – Sporty Site
Game Times / Subs– we are under a very tight schedule, so there is no time for warm-ups on the court, when the referee blows the whistle to start the game your team must take the court immediately, the game clock will start.
CHANGE – rolling subs – no quarter time breaks, we will play two 12 minute halves, there will be a dedicated area where subs wait until the referee stops the game to allow a substitution. At half time you have 3 minutes to talk to your team.
Please have respect for the teams playing the 7.00 game on Tuesday and also the Taieri Womens Competition is scheduled to start at 6.30 pm on a Monday.
Coaches – for safety reasons we request that you sit on the front benches – NO ONE IS TO BE ON THE SIDE OF THE COURT please. We will provide an area for coaches and subs it sit. Please respect this request.
Duty – each team must supply one person (1 only) to do the bench duty while their team is playing (ie 2 people on bench, 1 from each team). Would be very handy if the coach provides a notebook with team list and numbers for the bench person to complete the score sheet.
Team Management – when waiting for your game please make sure your players are sitting quietly, respecting the spectators and teams playing on the court. Players are not allowed on the court at any of the 6 minute breaks. The referees have been instructed to keep these players off the court. Only the teams playing should be on the court. Also please do not allow subs to stand or sit along the court side, you may stand at the corner of court (only coach and subs). Also do not allow children to go upstairs by the score bench. We also ask that parents keep siblings seated.
Practice Hoops - It has been organised to have two hoops placed outside for teams to warm-up. It is proposed that the two teams due to play next have the sole use of these hoops immediately prior to their game eg playing at 5.00pm – have use of hoops from say 4.45 pm.
Cupboard – The referees and committee members only, will have access to the cupboard by the score bench, Kept in this cupboard is the match ball, score sheets, first aid kit, set of bibs (for when teams with similar colours are playing), if you use these bibs please ensure they are ALL returned to the cupboard at the completion of your game.
Issues or complaints – if any issues arise or you wish to make a complaint please contact your school representative, this includes all matters, please do not approach the referees or allow any of your teams parents to do so either. Then if necessary your school rep will then bring the matter to members of the committee.
Once again - All positive comments are very welcome.
Have a great season.
Taieri School’s Miniball Competition.