Train Tuesdays & Thursdays 6.30pm

Please contact Hamish Hills for more details


Age Grade: 13 to 17yr olds

and JAB: 5 to 12yr olds 


  • U8s and below - $20 per player
  • U9s and up - $35.00 per player or $60.00 per family


JAB: Mike Reynish 027 275 7029

or email:

Takaka Rugby Football Club Inc 03 1354 0301972 03 

Please use the players name as a reference. If this is a problem financially please contact us, as we do not want this to be a barrier to your child playing sport.

Takaka Rugby Football Club 
Golden Bay - N Z

Takaka Rugby Football Club, based in the scenic Golden Bay, Tasman, celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2024.

The club fosters a love for rugby at all ages, with its "wee ripper" and "wee tacklers" teams (U6-U8) lighting up Friday nights with enthusiasm.
Takaka also competes in the Tasman Rugby Union competition, with traveling teams ranging from U9s to Senior Division II, continuing to build on its proud rugby tradition in the community.

In addition to its rich history, the club now calls the new GB Shared Rec Centre home, featuring upgraded clubrooms, changing rooms, and facilities.

Takaka Rugby welcomes players of all ages to join and be part of the action. For more information, email Clarissa at

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