1. Go to the App store on your mobile and download Sporty NZ to your phone.
  2. You will prompted with a pop up message - click Allow so you receive our push notifications.
  3. Search Te Aroha Cobras in the search box.
  4. Select our Club - Te Aroha Cobras Junior AFC.
  5. This will set our Club as the default for the App on your phone.
  6. You will then receive push alerts from us and can review these in ‘Alerts’. Please note you can toggle alerts on & off in the Alerts section by selecting the cog in the top right.
  7. You can review our club News updates from the App.
  8. You can also link straight to our Facebook page and Website for more information all in one place. Registrations will also be available direct from the App when open. WaiBop Cancellations are updated under our ‘Club Notice Board’ tab.

  9. The alternative to downloading the App is going to our Website - Club Notice Board - and select ‘Email me notices’ to receive our alerts that way.

    Note: The Sporty App allows you to link multiple clubs/sports groups to the one App on your phone for other clubs you're involved with as well.
