Welcome to Te Atatu Athletics Club.

We are an amature club and our purpose is to encourage all children to have fun and develop skills at running, throwing and jumping, and to participate safely in the spirit of fair play.

Join us on Tuesdays to break a sweat, set a personal best and make some lasting friendships and memories with your local community.

Your child doesn't have to be the best runner or thrower, as long as they strive to do their best and compete against themselves.  

All attendees need to register including Club Volunteers (Committee and Gets Set Go helpers) as a Safety requirement

During registration we collect emergency contact details too, so please ensure you're registered so that we can contact you if required. This is important for the safety of children attending Athletics.

​​​​​​​A Parent, or a nominated caregiver, must remain at Ramlea Park during Tuesday's event nights please.

VOLUNTEERS!!  We need you!  We will be hosting a coaching night for those interested as well as setting up a Volunteer schedule to help out on Club Nights.

Follow us on facebook​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Club Evenings.

Club nights are held every Tuesday.  We will be starting at 5pm this season!  A change from last, but we hope will be good!

22 Oct will be a GIVE IT A GO night from 5pm. 

Season is 29 Oct 2024 to 8 April 2025

Registration are OFFICIALLY OPEN!
HERE to sign up or login and register!!

Early bird until 31 December!

4 - 6 year olds $73  ($83 from 1 Jan 2025)

7 - 14 year olds $87 ($97 from 1 Jan 2025)