When you sign the membership application form, you are confirming that you understand and agree to following our rules and obligations. Rules are necessary so that everyone starts from a level playing field, club operations run smoothly and we all get to have fun. As a reminder, we have included these below for you, as well as some others we have put in place for safety reasons or as common courtesy.
General Members
- I agree to pay all subscriptions and other monies that are payable, or will be payable as a result of becoming a member or coach of the Te Awamutu Rowing Club Inc, either on or before the due date.
- I will abide by the Te Awamutu Rowing Club Constitution, Rules and Expectations, with a particular importance that all Members and Coaches shall:
- Foster a harmonious, co‐operative and collegiate atmosphere within the Te Awamutu Rowing Club.
- Preserve the good reputation of Te Awamutu Rowing Club amongst the rowing and wider communities.
- Be courteous and respectful to all other Members, Coaches, and Volunteers
- Take all due care to ensure that the Club’s equipment and property is not damaged and reimburse the Club for any loss it suffers as a result of the Member’s or Coach’s negligence or wilful action.
- Contribute to the efficient running of the Club.
- I further agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Waikato Rowing Association, NZ Rowing Association, and Water Safety Code (or similar).
- I will notify the Coach and/or the nominated maintenance person if any equipment fault and/or, if damage to equipment has occurred, as soon as it comes to my attention.
- I will leave the clubhouse clean and tidy, clearing up any food scraps and taking them home with me.
- I understand that Te Awamutu Rowing Club is not liable for loss or damage of privately owned gear (e.g. privately owned boats).
- If I am issued with a key to the club building, I understand that I am responsible for maintaining the security of the building when locking up (i.e. all doors are locked and alarm is on) and that I will not allow any non-key holders to lock up on my behalf. I will also not share the alarm code with anyone who is not a key holder.
- In applying for membership, I confirm that I am physically fit; I can swim 50 metres in light clothing when out of my depth, and suffer no serious medical condition or disability, which may be aggravated by my participation in the sport or my use of the facilities.
- I will inform the Club Captain if any of the details relating to my medical conditions (new or existing) change and will provide a medical certificate to support any such changes.
- I acknowledge that any medication I must take while I am in the care of the Te Awamutu Rowing Club (e.g at training, regattas or camps) will be handed in to the Coach or appropriate Club representative upon arrival. The medication will be appropriately labelled with my name and dosage details.
- I understand that should I breach any of these obligations while training or competing on behalf of Te Awamutu Rowing Club or while representing the school (i.e. Te Awamutu College or Pio Pio College) that I can be sent home and suspended from competing and/or training for any length of time deemed appropriate by the Committee.
- For Te Awamutu College Rowers – I agree to abide by the Te Awamutu College Sports Code of Practice and Behaviour outlined in the school’s Sports Handbook and the Club Handbook.
Parents and Caregivers
If your child joins the club as a member, you are also required to sign the membership form. As a reminder below are the conditions set out in the membership form.
- I give permission for my son/daughter to participate in rowing training and events set by the Te Awamutu Rowing Club.
- I will abide by the Te Awamutu Rowing Club Constitution, Rules, and Expectations, with a particular importance that all Members shall:
- Foster a harmonious, co‐operative and collegiate atmosphere within the Te Awamutu Rowing Club.
- Preserve the good reputation of Te Awamutu Rowing Club amongst the rowing and wider communities.
- Be courteous to all other Members.
- Take all due care to ensure that the Club’s equipment and property are not damaged and reimburse the Club any loss it suffers as a result of the Member’s negligence or wilful action.
- Contribute to the efficient running of the Club.
- I agree to pay all subscriptions and other monies that are payable, or will be payable as a result of my child becoming a member of the Te Awamutu Rowing Club Inc, either on or before the due date.
- I understand that should my son/daughter breach any of the member obligations while training or competing on behalf of Te Awamutu Rowing Club or while representing their school (i.e. Te Awamutu College or Pio Pio College) that they can be sent home and suspended from competing and/or training for any length of time deemed appropriate by the Committee.
- I will inform the Club Captain if any of the details relating to my child’s medical conditions (new or existing) change and will provide a medical certificate to support any such changes.
- I will ensure that my child will come prepared to trainings and regattas with all necessary medication, and will be appropriately labelled with their name and dosage details.
- I provide permission for the Coach and/or appropriate Club volunteer to arrange medical treatment for my child should they become injured or ill during a regatta or training session, and the emergency contact provided can not be contacted within
- I take responsibility to get my son/daughter to and from rowing training and regattas (unless otherwise arranged with the Club).
- I will recognise and value the importance of coaches and other volunteers who give their time and resources to enable my child to train and compete for Te Awamutu Rowing Club and their respective school.
- I will respect the decisions and judgements made by the coaches and committee, and understand that should I have any complaints or issues that I bring these to the club captain in the first instance so they can be dealt with constructively and with minimal disruption.
- I give permission for Te Awamutu Rowing Club to send me relevant information and newsletters to the e-mail addresses on this form and for my details to be kept on the database of the Te Awamutu Rowing Club (for their use only) until such time as I inform otherwise.
- There must be a coach on the water with you at all times, unless you have been given permission to do otherwise from the Club Captain.
- Coxes and people in the coach boats must wear a life jacket at all times.
- Use the rowing equipment as it is intended. If you do not know please ask first.
- No running around boats or other rowing equipment. The equipment is expensive and if it is broken, it affects all crews.
- When on the water adhere to the correct traffic lanes (e.g. Lake Ngaroto travel in an anti-clockwise direction around the lake)
- Where appropriate clothing for the weather conditions on the day.
- At the start of the season, senior rowers have first priority for boat and blade choice.
- Later in the season (i.e. after January Camp) whoever is performing best has priority.
- New boats are to be used for racing only. Unless the committee decide otherwise.
- ‘Super lights’ are to be used by senior and club rowers only.
- Check that nuts and bolts are tight before you go on the water or that you have taken off the correct amount when de-rigging for boat loading.
- Always clean the inside and the outside of your boat, and your blades after each use.
- Keep the clubhouse clean by taking your rubbish and belongings home with you.
- Show respect for other rowers, particularly while they are doing off-water training.
- Help others (especially novices) with rigging, getting on and off water etc.
- If other rowers are completing ergs or if there is a crew meeting taking place, please do not disturb or interrupt them.
To summarise, when attending the regattas as either a spectator or a rower there are some important do’s and don’ts that must be observed.
Upon Arrival at the Regatta Venue
You and your crew are responsible for:
- Set up of dumps
- Unload boat & blades
- Re-rig boats
- Check, check and recheck all riggers, gates, slides and foot stretchers
- Cox must test cox box and connections, and have lifejacket organised
- Ensure all of the crew are aware of the designated 'on-water' time(s) and with your coach agree on a time to meet and warm up before going on the water
During the regatta
- Be appropriately dressed and equipped for racing - drink, correct rowsuit, socks, and hat etc.
- Do a final check gear (nuts, bolts etc) before heading out to race.
- Coxed crews – the Cox is responsible for the bow number and the Cox must test cox box and connections, and have lifejacket organised. Stroke is to organise the bow number otherwise.
- Respect other rowers and coaches by not interrupting or interfering with crew meetings, warm ups and warm downs.
- Support each crew on and off the water. Club spirit is important.
- Help other crews on and off the water (NB. May not be possible at large regattas like Christmas regatta, Maadi or Nationals)
- Stay out of the sun while not racing by resting at the tent or boat park.
- Let coaches know where you will be if you have to leave and a contact number so that they can contact you if race times change.
- Keep your gear and personal belongings in or around the truck or at the tent site.
- Keep boats clean and tied down safely.
- Bring good nutritious food to have throughout the day.
At completion of regatta
- Clean and de-rig boat(s).
- Load boat and ensure very securely tied on to trailer
- Load dumps, blades, life jackets, riggers, nut boxes etc, onto truck.
- Confirm times for meeting at clubhouse for boat unloading before leaving the regatta venue.
Boat Loading and Unloading
- Everyone is expected to help-out. Boat loading / unloading can be time consuming. The more rowers present the faster we can all get home.
- You are expected to de-rig and load the boats you will be racing. Use the boat information cards to check that you have everything or not note down any maintenance required or changes to boat settings.
- Check with your coach that you have the correct regatta or camp timings before leaving the clubhouse after boat loading.