Waikite Valley Pony Club

Our pony club is situated on the farm of Max and Ngaire Pryce.  In 2015 Max was awarded life membership to the NZ Pony Club Association in recognition of his involvement with the NZPCA.  Max's involvement in the pony club association began in 1967 when his children started at the local Waikite Valley Pony Club.  Beginning as an interested parent he went on to be the chairman of the local club, chairman for the Rotorua District and District Commissioner for Rotorua.  By 1982 he was appointed as chairman for the organising committee of the Bay of Plenty area championships.  In 1985 he was president for the Bay of Plenty Area then a delegate to the New Zealand association.  Chairman for the Committee of Management of Horse trials followed and by 1990 he was one of three vice presidents of the NZPCA.  At the 50th Jubilee Conference of the NZPCA Max was elected to the position of NZPCA President.

The Waikite Valley Pony Club is  grateful for the support of Max and Ngaire in allowing the club to continue to use
the facilities on their farm.