Wellington College teams play in the College Sport Competition against secondary schools in Wellington and Horowhenua Kapiti. The sport is run by the Wellington College Cricket Club which facilitates professional coaching programmes ensuring that all players are given the opportunity to develop their skills. The club offers a positive environment which encourages participation and excellence.
The first XI plays in a number of annual traditional fixtures both home and away. The second XI, Year 9 and Year 10 teams also play in traditional matches as well as having the opportunity to play in cricket tournaments both in Wellington and other North Island locations. Robust performance based selection criteria and progressive development opportunities enable players to progress and develop their potential.
Ryan Tsourgas and Will Julian 1st XI 2023 were selected for the NZ U 19 cricket team. Ryan named CSW cricketer of the year.
TRAINING: At least one net session per week, depending on level.
TRIALS: Assessments for Year 9 take place in January. All other grades get assessed at the end of Term 4
UNIFORM: All WC players play in coloured clothing – gold shirt and black trousers. These are available from the Uniform Shop. In terms of caps that can be worn when playing cricket for Wellington College, there are three options – a WC ‘baggy’ cap, a WC baseball cap or a white, wide brim cricket hat. These, aside from the white cricket hat, are also available from the uniform shop.
Equipment: Gear bags are provided for each team with basic equipment including helmets
Registration fee: $200 per year
Coaching Charge: All teams will incur a coaching charge based on the number of times they train each week. You will be advised what that fee is once teams have been selected."
Competition: All games played on Saturdays with the occasional one on Sundays
Season: Terms 1 and 4
Incoming Year 9 and 'New to WC' Cricket Information: Click here
Cricket Calendar 2024
- 3 Feb Prem 1-4 begins
- 10 Feb All other grades begin
- 11/12 Napier BHS Traditional
- 19 Feb PNBHS Traditional
- 5/6 March Whanganui Collegiate Traditional
- 12/13 March Napier Boys High Traditional
- 16 /23 Mar Bruce Murray Cup/Gillette Qual Final
- 20 /22 March Hunt Trophy T 20
- 18/22 March NZ Junior Boys - Palmerston North
- 9-12 December Vettori Cup - (Year 10)
- TBC December Gilette Cup - Lincoln