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2025 Sports Registrations are now open


Welcome to the Wellington College Sports Department. We are responsible for sport outside of the classroom.
With over 30 different sports available in one form or another there is a huge variety to choose from. Some sports are run as clubs, others are convened by individual staff, parents or through local club administrators.
​Our school has a fine reputation for the wide range of sporting codes offered, for its very high participation rate in sport and for its sporting successes catering for all levels of ability.

Click on the "General Information" tab above for more detailed information on Payment protocol, registration opening and closing dates, uniforms, and traditional dates.  

Fair Play Code

The College abides by the rules of fair play.  These are:

  • Enjoy yourself
  • Play within the rules
  • Respect the referees and umpires
  • Respect the opposition and their supporters
  • Be gracious winners and dignified losers
  • Play hard BUT fair

Behaviour & Attendance 

Anyone playing sport at Wellington College is expected behave appropriately at all times and  required to maintain an attendance rate in the classroom of 95%. Failure to adhere to this may result in the student being unavailable for selection at trials, the week's game or for particular key fixtures, traditionals and tournaments. 

Congratulations to our

2024 Black and Gold Winners!

Thank you to the following Community Trusts for supporting Wellington College Sports