WC Forms & Documents

Injury and Concussion Protocols for Wellington College students

If a student receives a head knock or any other significant injury while playing sport, we ask that the Coach or Manager email the school nurse, Robyn Peterson r.peterson@wc.school.nz.

When emailing Robyn, please include...

  • Where & when the injury occurred

  • A brief description of what happened/how the injury occurred

  • What actions were taken i.e. sent to A&E etc

This will allow Robyn to follow up and ensure the student receives the necessary support. 

Concussion Protocols

In conjunction with Wellington Sports Med advocates the following guidelines for the treatment of any potential concussion in any sporting activity. 

Wellington College advises that any concussion requires a 23 day stand down from the physical activity concerned. Ignoring this protocol is endangering the health of the student concerned and is to be taken very seriously. 

Any incident should be reported to the Convenor of the Code in question who will in turn inform the school nurse and sports department. Remember it is better to be safe than sorry. 

Read the Concussion Protocols below for more information.