Nau mai haere mai ki te whanau o Praedeus Sports (2022).  We have completed our eighth year as a club and have enjoyed the benefits of a great netballing community. Nau mai hoki mai whanau o Praedeus. Nau mai haeremai ki Whanau hou ki te whanau o Praedeus  Thank you all for making the choice to register and to remain as whanau of Praedeus Sports.

Praedeus was created on the need to explore other opportunities and pathways, to unstifle growth and expand ourselves and our athletes into encountering unlimited success. The journey has been incredible - we have met, trained coached, and mingled with extraordinary athletes who have bought with them remarkable whanau. Like every club, entity, community there are challenges and ups and downs, however it is how you choose to encounter the challenge - to see it as an oportunity to be responsbile for the outcome. The choices we make will limit or lead us to unlimited success. 

We endeavour to put together the foundations which will stand strong in the future. Club Membership - is being able to provide more opportunities for the  players and athletes who choose to be a part of this journey.

P    raedeus
R   esponsible
A    thletes
E    ncountering
D    iscovering &
E    njoying
U    nlimited
S    uccess

Nga mihi nunui oku Kaiwhakaako, me kaiwhakahaere, me whanau katoa. We are humbled by the continued tautoko, manaaki me piripono mo whanau o Praedues.