In June 2013 the Kamo Sports Charitable Trust Board (KSCT) was formed to facilitate the joining of Kamo Tennis and Cricket Clubs with the aim of forming a stronger sportingassociation, and to drive a project to upgrade the old tennis courts and build a new pavilion for shared use by both codes.

Six Trustees (Three from each of the tennis and cricket clubs) are elected to govern the Trust. Current Trustees are:

2022 / 23 Trustees

REPRESENTING TENNIS: Carol Crowley, Todd Morgan, Henry Waller

REPRESENTING CRICKET: Ben Hyde, Lisa Parkes, Simon Crawford

The primary objective of the Trust is to encourage the participation of tennis and cricket within the Kamo community. Since the completion of the pavilion in late 2018, the Trust has focussed on the building fit-out , and etsablishing effective operational practices. 

Trustees encourage members of Kamo tennis and cricket clubs to consider becoming a future Trustee. Having new Trustees cycling onto the board helps to introduce new ideas, and ensure the Trustee role isn't seen as a long term committment.