Piopio Primary School

ABSENTEE'S  -  It is essential that the school is contacted if your child is going to be absent from school.

HOMEWORK  -  It is the parents responsibility to ensure each child has completed their homwork and that it is returned to school on time.

COLLECTING CHILDREN -  Parents are to inform the school of any changes to a child's routine.

SPORTS TEAMS -  A child is expected to show commitment to their chosen sports code eg: attend practice and games, inform coaches of a planned absence from practice or games.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION -  Students must have the appropiate clothing when participating in physical activity.  
​​​​​​​Example: swimming - togs and a towel.

VISITORS -  Visitors must report to school office on arrival.

At Term 2 end - Your child's mid year report will be sent home.  
Parent/Teacher interviews will take place during the year.
At Term 4 end -Your child's end of year report will be sent home.  

BOARD OF TRUSTEE"S -   Who govern the school to a high standard, ensure quality resources, maintain policies and procedures and curriculum reporting cycle.

TEACHERS -  Who support parents and pupils in maintaining a high standard of work and behaviour.

PARENTS - Who participate and support teachers and children.