Welcome from the President of Croquet New Zealand, Anne Henry
“He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata” What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people. People are at the heart of the tournament: those who are playing and those who make this tournament possible.
Tēna koutou kātoa. Nau mai haere mai ki Whanganui a tara Wellington mo te Association Croquet World’s Championship.
On behalf of Croquet New Zealand I would like to welcome the players from Australia, Canada, England, Latvia, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, USA, and Wales. You have worked hard to reach this level, and I wish all of you a memorable tournament, much success and lots of fun.
I would like to convey my deeply felt appreciation to the Wellington Association for hosting this event and to Organising Committee and Officials for the tremendous work you have done to prepare for the tournament and the work you will do during the tournament.
Nō reira, tēna koutou tēna koutou, tēna tātou kātoa. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.
Dr D. Annie Henry