Replacement of Batteries in Sport Ident Control Boxes - Click here for Instructions
It is possible for a technically minded person to replace the batteries, The batteries and O-ring seals can be imported from Sport Ident USA Click Here and read about it in the" FAQ Support".
Also this from MaptalkClick Here
We are able to Replace the Batteries in your SI Control Boxes.
All Control Box Seals are replaced, resealed, and checked. Updates to details and firm ware can be
When Posting to us use Dydo Mfg Ltd P.O.Box 30349 Lower Hutt.
By Courier Dydo Mfg Ltd 142 Eastern Hutt Road Taita Lower Hutt.
We are also the manufactures of the Aluminium Brackets to hold your Control Box on the Stand
along side the Clipper.
Our phone number is 04-5672688 and 04-5673836 Fax with for our email
address. Speak to either Jason or myself.
Tony van Dyk
Colin Price, an australian suplier of O-gear also does repairs to SI equipment.
Click here