Both the black vests and the casual black long sleeve tops have been discontinued so we are unable to source new ones and only have limited numbers and sizes available. We are looking at alternative options for a uniform which we will keep members updated on. 


Our formal uniform must be worn when representing the Club. This consists of a black APPC vest, black tie (optional at rallies), white long sleeved shirt and a NZPCA approved helmet*.  Jodphur boots are not essential but alternative footwear must have a smooth sole and a good heel.  Hair should be in a net or tied up.


We have a casual option available for riders to wear to rallies instead of the white shirt and vest. This consists of a black long sleeve polo, and a NZPCA approved helmet*.

*The safety helmet must have a red tag, which shows that it has one of the following safety standard numbers.
AS/NZ3838 (1998, 2003 or 2006), PAS015:1998 or 2011, VG1, 1384, ASTM-F1163-04, F1163-11 or F1163-15, Snell E2001.
If your helmet does not yet have a red tag, bring it to a rally and we can check its safety rating and put one on it.

When representing our branch there is a limited number of matching saddle cloths and helmet covers available.  NZPCA badges are available from the secretary and should be worn when representing the branch


1.  Neat and tidy appearance (hair tied back if long and no jewellery).

2.  Boots cleaned.

3.  Saddle cleaned and oiled.

4.  Bridle cleaned and oiled.

5.  Bit cleaned

6.  Horse brushed (washing not necessary but all dirt must be removed with a brush).

7.  Mane and tail brushed.

8.  Hooves picked out.

9.  Under tail to be clean.

10. Hooves oiled.