Code of Behaviour on Club Night...

Please read the following and follow the desired behaviour on all Club nights


  • Take part for the ‘fun of it’ and not just to please parents and coaches.
  • Abide by the rules as most are there for your safety.
  • Never argue with officials and parent helpers.  Without them there would be no athletics night.
  • Show respect for equipment, facilities, grounds & other athletes.
  • Be a good sport, by supporting all athletes, not just those who win.
  • Treat others’ as you would like to be treated.
  • Challenge and develop your own athletic potential by listening when coaches are teaching new skills.
  • It is not whether you win or lose, but how you compete that is important.


  • Remember, children are involved in organised sport for their enjoyment not yours, and that winning is only part of their motivation.
  • Encourage children to abide by the rules.
  • Focus upon the child’s efforts and performances rather than the overall outcome of the event.
  • Avoid concentrating on talented youngsters. The ‘average’ athletes deserve equal time, and therefore applaud performances by everyone.
  • Never ridicule or shout at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  • Children learn best by example so get involved on club night.
  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
  • Recognise the value and importance of volunteer managers, coaches and officials.  They give their time and resources to provide sporting activities for your children.  Remember officials are parents, temporarily performing a different function. 
  • If you disagree with the way something is run, discuss the matter at an appropriate time with the person concerned, or a club official, as opposed to raising the issue in public.
  • Understand that when requests are made for assistance to help with an event, or to move equipment,  this may be because we do not have enough officials to do it.  In cases when insufficient helpers are available for a particular event, it may need to be cancelled for the night.  Please be willing to offer and give assistance.