Athletics Alexandra Incorporated is a registered entity which is run entirely by volunteers and is not a "Person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU)" as dealt with by the new Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

However, the Club does have a Health & Safety Policy which is aimed at minimising any risk of accidents occurring which may cause injury to members, volunteers or third parties or damage to any property/equipment belonging to those persons. The Policy document is available for viewing on request.

Parents are requested to impress upon their children the need to be careful of any dangers to themselves and other people during their participation in track & field events, particularly the throws, wether at our Club grounds or at any other location.

Parents should also counsel their children on the potential dangers of spending any time alone with adults who they are not well acquainted with. Children attending club training sessions are not closely monitored by our coaching volunteers at all times - particularly before, between or after coaching sessions.

The athletics club and its committee and volunteer coaches cannot be entirely responsible for the safety of your children and parents are requested to remain with, or close to, their child(ren) throughout our sessions if they have any concerns for their child's vulnerability.

Any claims for injury and subsequent treatment should be directed to ACC.