Junior Registrations for 2025 are live

Registration fees for the season:

$140.00 for year 0/1-Y8 and Girls Rippa 

$90 for little rippas 3/4 year olds

Note: Before you register you must create a Xplorer profile 

Create a Rugby Xplorer profile

Rugby NZ has moved from Sporty to Rugby Xplorer so before you register, ensure you have a Rugby Xplorer profile. 

Please click on the button below for a step by step instuction once you have read this you can start the process here

When you start to Register a player please note the following:

Role: ‘Player’

Registration Type:

‘Junior - No Contact’ for Little Rippas Y1 & Y2 mixed Rippa & Fast Ferns Rippa Y3 - Y8

‘Junior - Contact’ for Year 3 – Year 8 mixed 

‘Teenage – Non Contact’ for Fast Ferns rippa Y9 to 12

‘Senior – Men’s Non Premier’ for U85s Duration: ‘Season’

Please contact Briar by emailing  registrar@bmrc.co.nz  if you have any questions.