Bluebirds Player Uniform Declaration
This confirms my membership of Bluebirds Netball Club Inc for the 2017 season and my agreement to abide by their code of conduct and to pay membership fees for the season ($150.00).
My uniform # ________ and Jacket #________ will be worn only for Bluebirds games and travelling to and from games. I will endeavour to look after the uniform and understand that damaging the uniform may incur replacement costs. I will return all uniform items promptly at the end of the season and understand that failure to do so will result in having to pay replcaement costs and being made unfinancial with the Club and therefore with Netball Kapiti. No alterations will be made to the uniform, and altered or damaged items will be replaced in full at my cost.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________________________________________