Browning Shield - Saturday 24 February and Sunday 25 February 2018 at Ashburton

Moved that a squad of a maximum of 10 men and 10 women be allowed for each tie to be played.  Players must be nominated on score sheet prior to play of each tie.

Format remain the same with 6 men & 6 women with sets being played.

Moved that doubles and mixed doubles be no ad deuce.  Doubles – receiver nominates service side and in mixed doubles female serves to female and male serves to male.
Third set in doubles, mixed doubles and singles a match tiebreaker. 

Moved that we play first complete tie and second tie doubles and mixed doubles on the first day.  Day two – to play 2nd tie singles and then tie three.

Each team to provide 14 cans Wilson tennis balls –to be put in Tournament Office at the start of play on the first day for collection with score sheets for the start of each tie.

Canterbury Country will provide a lunch both days for players.