Enjoy your holiday break. The school office will re-open on Monday the 20th of January 2025



The committed teaching staff at the college provide an encouraging atmosphere where the students will flourish. There is a strong Mentor Group and Mentoring structure to support them through their college life. All students are placed in a horizontal based Mentor group and meet with their Mentor (Teacher) daily. International students have access to both our international Dean and year level Dean. 


Central Hawke's Bay College is very fortunate to have Guidance Counsellor's on site available to all students and parents who may have academic or social issues that are impacting on students’ work or progress.  Appointments can be made either by Phone, email or seeing the guidance counsellor personally. Our International students have an initial meeting with our Guidance Counsellor's and then sporadic contact throughout their stay to monitor their well-being


Central Hawke’s Bay College has a School Health Nurse on site, bookings can be arranged through the guidance counsellor's or the international dean or International Co-ordinator. 


We have qualified Careers Advisor's available within our school. Students may speak to International Dean or Co-ordinator to arrange an appointment


On call 24/7 to monitor international students and Homestay families well-being, and offer additional support. Regular contact between the International Co-ordinator and Agent is maintained to ensure good communication.


Hi, my name is Hitomi Aoike from Japan. I went to Central Hawke’s Bay College in 2014. I came to New Zealand to study English. I had never been abroad before, so I was excited to start a new life in a foreign country, but at the same time I was anxious. However, Mrs. Kim Walker helped me a  lot. I had many experiences at Central Hawke’s Bay College, which I definitely couldn’t get in Japan. I enjoyed many interesting classes such as Art, Music, Textiles, Cooking, History and so on. Although I’m not good at sewing, I made my ball dress by myself all thanks to my Textile teacher. My Music teacher gave me an opportunity to learn how to play the flute and the trumpet. I remember that I enjoyed playing the flute with my kiwi friends in Flyer Cup. I was able to try many new things at Central Hawke’s Bay College thanks to kind and helpful teachers and my kiwi friends. 

Although I had some difficulties, I learnt that I should always try without the fear of making mistakes. I cherish every single experience I had in New Zealand. I deeply appreciate all the teachers at Central Hawke’s Bay College, especially Mrs Walker. I always want to return to New Zealand and I’m very lucky to have such a beautiful second home. 

Hitomi Aoike, Japan

Hello, my name is Antony Melquíades and I'm from Brazil.  I had the incredible opportunity to attend Central Hawke’s Bay College for 4 months through an exchange promoted through the state government of my country.  Since the evaluation process, I was very excited about what was ahead.  When I found out I was going to a small town, I reacted very differently.  This is due to the fact that in these communities I could find affection, recognition and kindness in an easier way; unlike the stereotype that the city would be boring.  

The teachers were amazing, I have no words to describe how important they were to improving my English language skills.  

The community was welcoming, being culturally related and never ethnocentric.  The school staff were very welcoming and receptive, always able to answer my questions.  

These 4 months left marks that time will never erase, I will always remember, with great affection my host family, my friends, teachers and coordinators. 

I really miss being able to live in a place where your thoughts were always highly regarded and respected. Mrs. Walker, was very organized and reliable, and did her best for us from being able to fit trips into our schedule and having fun. 

If I could define this experience with one word, I would describe it with luck, as I could not have stayed in a better place. Anyway, my time in New Zealand was something very special and enriching for me, I hope one day I can come back and embrace everyone again with a very warm greeting from Brazil. 

​​​​​​​Antony Melquíades, Brazil​​​​​​​

Hi, my name’s Sreymom Tham (Serena) from Cambodia. I went to Central Hawke’s Bay College in 2010.  I had many experiences, so many I can’t write them all down. The international teacher, Mrs Walker helped me gain my student visa application without any complications.  

When I first started at the college, I couldn’t understand or talk English well. Mrs Walker explained everything to me very carefully, and taught me alongside all the other international students how kiwis live and how to communicate. 

To be away from home wasn’t easy. At times I felt lonely and homesick. But, all the teachers at Central Hawke's Bay College were very kind and helpful. and made me want to study and live in New Zealand. 

Now, I am a New Zealand Citizen. Without, Central Hawke's Bay College and Mrs Walker I would not have learnt English, or known how beautiful New Zealand is.

I love Central Hawke’s Bay college and the community who are very welcoming and friendly. 

Sreymom Tham (Serena) from Cambodia

Central Hawke’s Bay College was a great place to learn many different things. There is a beautiful Maori Meeting House at the front gates which welcomes all to the College.

I learned a lot about New Zealands culture. The people were really friendly, if you needed help you just asked someone. The teachers were very attentive and there were so many classes to choose from.

My host family was the best thing that happened to me. They were so lovely, funny and very understanding and helped me with my English. My host house was where I read my first English book and I learnt to ride a bike.

The little that I have seen makes me love the place, people and culture. New Zealand is a great place to learn English and Central Hawke's Bay College was my bridge to it all. 

​​​​​​​Maria Leticia Da Silva Manguinho, Brazil.