About Smallbore Target Shooting
Smallbore Target Rifle Shooting is a sport which is enjoyed by all genders, young and old, able bodied and people with disabilities, people with good eyesight or those who have the need to wear glasses, in fact people from all walks of life.
Smallbore rifle shooting is an Equal Opportunity sport. Men, women and everyone in between are all welcomed and compete on equal terms.
Age is no restriction on shooting. We have members of secondary school age right through to those well past retirement age.
All new members are given a good grounding in firearms safety and the safe handling of rifles and all shooting is supervised by range officers and coaches.
The rifles used are .22 calibre single shot target rifles. Sporting rifles using magazines are not permitted. All clubs have good quality rifles, jackets and other equipment for use by members who do not have their own. Smallbore rifle shooting is shot all year round – Indoor in the winter and outdoor in summer.
Indoor shooting is generally shot at 25 yards, shooters lie down (prone) and use rifles with aperture (or open, iron) sights, initially resting the rifle on a block or rest, but then moving on to fully supporting the rifle with a jacket and sling. Matches take between 12 and 22 minutes, with 10 or 20 counting shots being fired.
Benchrest shooters are seated at a bench and use a rifle that is placed on rests and can use scopes for sighting. This is an event which can be less physically demanding than shooting prone with a sling and using open sights, but is certainly just as competitive, exacting, and exciting to take part in.
Members are able to compete at a social, club, association, representative, championship or national level every week between March and September. This form of shooting provides a very controlled environment for new shooters to learn the correct principles of firearm safely, and often sees many schools, scouts and family groups participating.
You can be as competitive as you like; or just come along for the sociality. There is no obligation to enter competitions but if you do, then competitions are graded so you are competing against shooters of the same ability as yourself.
Use the "Contact Us" to get in touch.