9 Aside ages 11-13
7 Aside ages 7-10
First/Fun Kicks ages 4-6
Seasons start the First saturday of Term 2.
Home games are played at the upper Domain Saturday mornings starting from 10:30am.
First/Fun kicks is played at the upper domain by the grandstand Saturday mornings 9-10am.
Cancellations are posted to the Facebook page by 8am.
Our facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/DSCJuniorFootball/
The current committee is:
Robert Buddle - Chair
Kirsten Prenter - Secretary
Mystee Rees - Treasurer
Charlotte Ball, Gerard Brown, Anne Buddle, Hayden Silver & Maxine Marshall.
You can ask any questions via the facebook page/messenger chat or email dscjuniorfootball@gmail.com