SSA Awards
Senior Womens- Conduct- CAC, Top Batter- Breigh Monaghan
Golden Glove Infield- Hayley Munro, Top Pitcher- Jazara Hopa ERA6.30
Most Improved Player of the Year- Breigh Monaghan, Scorers Player of the Year- Jazara Hopa,
Most Valuable Player of the Year- Jazara Hopa, Player of the Year- Jazara Hopa
P2 Gloven Glove Outfield- Russell Harvey
McLeod Shield- junior Umpire of the Year- Rochelle Watson
Barbara Coatsworth Junior Trophy for Diligence and Fair Play- Rochelle Watson
Senior Womens- Top Batter- Maisie Bond, Golden Glove Infield- Aria Monaghan, Top pitcher- Jazara Hopa
P1- Conduct Cup- Diamondbacks
Barbara Coatsworth Junior Trophy for Diligence and Fair Play- Rochelle Watson
Senior Womens- Scorers Player of the Year- Rochelle Watson
P2- Grade Winners- PK, Top Batter- Stephen De Garnham
P3- Grade Winners- Gas Guzzlers, Golden Glove- Outfield- Mark Livingstone
McLeod Shield- Junior Umpire of the Year- Rochelle Watson
Dennis Ormsby memorial Trophy- Home Plate Umpire of the Year- Leon Hopa
P3 Scorers Player of the Year- Ryan Batt-Gas Guzzlers, P4 Scorers Player of the Year- Ryan Wells- Young Guns
P4 Most Improved Player- Alycia Forbes- Young Guns
Mcleod Shield -Junior Umpire of the Year- Russell Harvey
Dennis ormsby Memorial Trophy- Home Plate Umpire of the Year- Leon Hopa
Barbara Coatsworth Senior Trophy for Diligence and Fair Play- Rochelle Watson, Ruseell Harvey, Faith Harvey, Joshua Harvey
P2- Conduct Cup- PK, Golden Glove Outfield- Russell Harvey, Most Valueable Player- Rochelle Watson,
Scorers Player of the Year- House flowers
P3-Top Batter- Dylan meehan
Mcleod Shield- Junior umpire of the Year- Russell Harvey
Dennis Ormsby Memorial Trophy- Home Plate Umpire of the Year- Leon Hopa
Scores Female Player of the Year- Abby Mitchell
P2- Most Improved Player- Danny Mitchell
P3A- Grade Winners- S.S Thistle, Golden Glove Infield- Anna Williams
P3B- Most Improved Player- Aurora McKillop Sycamore, P3B-Most valueable player- Faith Harvey
McLeod Shield- Junior Umpire of the Year- Rochelle Watson
Dennis Ormsby Memorial Trophy- Home Plate Umpire of the year- Rochelle Watson
Barbara Coastworth Senior Trophy for Dilligence and Fair Play- Rochelle Watson (joint winners with a Non Dodgers member)
P2 Grey- Most Improved Player- Mark Jessett, P2 Grey- Glove glove Infield-Graeme Wilson
P3 Orange- Most Improved Player- Brook Smith
McLeod Shield- Junior umpire of the Year- Russell Harvey
Dennis Ormsby Memorial Trophy- Home Plate Umpire of the year- Rochelle Watson