If you would like to pay your subs by internet banking:
Invercargill Dodgers Softball Club
Junior Sub $50
Senior Subs $120
Any junior player playing both morning and afternoon grades will be required to pay a senior sub of $100.00
$20.00 per game
BNZ Invercargill
Account 02-0924-0096188-00
Please put in the players first and last name in the reference box and and the team they play for in the code box so we can identify who the payment has come from
ie: Jimmy Smith Hot shots.
The club have lost some uniforms over the last few seasons, Can everyone check their wardrobes and return any uniforms they may find.
Every team in the club will be allocated a good set of uniforms to play in....these cost a lot of money.
All coaches will be instructed to tell their players to TUCK IN ALL SHIRTS! and wear appropriate socks and caps (not beanies), we dont want to see shirts hanging out!...
Please remember to check whether your team is umpiring on the weekly draw. Players that do not turn up to umpiring duty will receive a $100 fine. If you can't do an umpiring swap it with someone in your team.