Policy for recording of a Hole in One

This policy applies to financial full playing, junior and school pupil members.

All Holes in One on the home course, including those achieved other than in official competitions, and achieved in a round consisting of 9 or more completed holes, will be recorded on the Club's honors board, providing they have been verified by a reputable witness.

Hole in One Insurance is payable only as follows: -

  • Financial full playing, junior and school pupil members are covered for Holes in One on both home and away courses when achieved in a completed official competition as set out in the Club Programme.
  • The club will make available up to $250 for hospitality at the bar, on the occasion of a player as outlined above having a hole in one on the course and only those players on the course at the time are eligible for this hospitality.

All members under 18 years must have a parent or guardian present to part take in the hospitality.