Events & Competitions
During the season FPDC usually runs a number of inter branch events for its members, some background information is given below. More detailed information will be sent out closer to the time of the event by the FDPC Events’ Secretary.

Closed Ribbon Day & Mounted Games
FDPC runs a Closed Ribbon Day event traditionally held on Labour Weekend Monday. The Closed Ribbon event is usually run in the morning followed by Mounted games competition in the afternoon. FDPC uniform (Royal Blue jumper, shirt and tie) should be worn for the morning flat and jumping classes of the ribbon event. Branch uniforms can be worn for the afternoon games.

The Closed Ribbon event is run according to the standard ribbon day format with a number of specified rings and standard flat and jumping classes within those rings.

There are also a number of ribbon day cups competed for at the event, including

  • Ann Gordon Trophy for the Branch with the highest points for placings in the combined Kindy Rings
  • Howie Shield for the Branch with the highest points for placings in the combined Novice Rings
  • Massey Cup for the Branch with the highest points for placings in the combined Open RIngs
  • Scott Thomson Trophy for the individual rider receiving the most points overall at the ribbon event in any ring
  • Storey Cup for the top novice rider 10 years and under or novice rider with less than 12 months instruction and who has never won a 1st in any rider event.
  • McGlade Cup for the top rider aged 11-13 years.
  • Founders Cup for the top rider aged 14-16 years.
  • Commissioners Cup for the top rider aged 17-25 years.

The Storey, McGlade, Founder’s and Commissioner’s cups are judged at the end of the ribbon event in a separate ring by the panel of judges used on the day. Entry to this “Cup Ring” is open to any rider/mount that achieved  a first or second placing in any flat or jumping rider class at the ribbon event.

Following the Cup Ring is the Mounted Games competition. Teams are made up of 4 riders in the following age groups. Composite teams can be made up but they will be competing in the age group of the oldest rider in their team.

There are four games cups awarded based on the results of the inter branch team’s competition:

  • Atkins Challenge / Kingseat Cup for the team of 11 years and under with the most points in the competition

  • Morley Trophy for the team of 12 – 13 year olds  with the most points in the competition
  • Rothmans Trophy for the Team of 14 – 25 year olds with the most points in the competition
  • Barrell Race Cup for the winning team of any age

Information about the format of the day, venue, rules and entry forms will be sent out by the FDPC Events’ Secretary closer to the time.

Closed Games Day
A closed inter branch teams games competition day is now held by FDPC. This event is held in late November / early December and is part of the Clubs preparation for the Zone 1 Games Final which is held in January.

Information about the format of the day, venue, rules and entry forms will be sent out by the FDPC Events’ Secretary closer to the time.
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