Our Club colours are Gold and Black.
Full Club uniform is required to be worn at all club nights, ribbon days and special events. Age flashes must be sewn on.
Age flashes will be handed out when your registration fee has been paid.
All uniforms can be ordered via the Game Day app.
Some second hand uniforms may be available to purchase. Please check out our buy/sell facebook group. Click here to view.
Miniclub Uniform
Greerton Athletics yellow/gold t-shirt with GAAC logo - $29 NZD
Miniclub members can also wear official club t-shirts or singlets.
Junior and Senior Uniform
Club t-shirts and singlets are $40 NZD each.
Shorts and undergarments
Shorts must be black - no colours, patterns, designs. Small manufacturers Logos (e.g Nike) are acceptable. If you are unsure please ask a committee member to ensure your childs uniform meets the requirements. These are not available to purchase from the Club.
Shorts are to be above the knee - no board shorts allowed.
Undergarments are allowed to be worn under shorts (compression type) or under tops for protection in the weather. These must be black or white or the main uniform colour (black or gold). Again the same guidelines as for the shorts are to be followed, check with a committee member if unsure.
Bucket Hats and Straw Hats
$20 each. One size fits all. Email orders to greertonathletics@gmail.com.
Westpac 03-1549-0001486-00. Please make sure you put your child's name as the reference.
Spike shoes
Spike Shoes may be worn by athletes Grade 10 and above. The shoes must be taken off as soon as their event has finished, we need be assured that no one gets injured.
Tauranga Domain – 6mm pyramids and Christmas trees. Needles are not permitted.
Porritt Stadium - 6mm Cone shape spikes