Hastings Artists Group begins it’s 2025 programme on Saturday 15th February at 10 am at Jireh Hall (behind St John’s Church), 608 Frederick Street, Mahora, Hastings. All members are invited to what will be a very quick Annual General Meeting, which will begin at 10 am sharp. 

We need members to consider and suggest ideas for our regular monthly Saturday meetings, be it more, or less Tutors, or perhaps learning and practising various facets and skills that will help us on our journey to become better artists.

Because it is “Art Deco” weekend in Hawke’s Bay, we intend to use that theme for the day – which means you can dress-up in 1920/30’s fashion, and if you wish, make this era the subject of your art-work for the day. 

Although this era is (a little) before my time, I can remember my parents talking of the fun, freedom and music of that time, which was between world wars, but still in the throes of the Great Depression. 

Think about: Flappers – (hats, furs, feathers, striped blazers, pearls, marcasite, Vehicles, (aircraft, cars, tramcars, bikes, trains), architecture, bold colours, geometric shapes, symmetry, zigzags, triangles and sunbursts) and of course, the fabulous music of that era.

On the day, please remember to take along any art-work that you may have completed recently, or if you are ‘stuck’, and don’t know what to do, our resident Tutor, Ian, will always be able to help you, thanks to his wide experience, skills and knowledge.   Other people’s work is always a great source of inspiration for those of us who have very little opportunity to mix in ‘Arty’ company.

Inclusive of the monthly $5 Hall fee, Dawn and Diane will look after our inner-needs with tea, coffee and biscuits, but do remember to bring your lunch, or buy it from the nearby Mahora shops.

Ian Thompson’s water-colour group will start on Thursday 13th February at 1pm, Mezzanine floor, Hasting Library.  Will advise of Winnie’s group starting date ASAP.

Annual Subscriptions of $20 are due, and should be paid before the 31st March 2025, after which a penalty of an extra $10 is incurred. Subscriptions can be paid online 02-0644-0186971-000 – please remember to add your full name in the reference box.  Or, see Francis on any Club-Day.    Thank you.

Hoping that HAG members respond to the ‘please come’ call – and we look forward to seeing everyone again.

Colleen, Margaret and Francis



*Monthly Club Day:   10am - 4pm every THIRD Saturday in the month, at Jireha Hall (church hall), St John’s Church, 608 Frederick Street W, Mahora, Hastings.   Next meeting Saturday 15th February 2025. (Contact  Margaret, Secretary)

*Watercolours/Pastels:   This group meets 1pm - 3pm every two weeks at the Mezzanine floor, Hastings memorial Library.  Next meeting, February 13th, 2025   Contact - Ian Thompson - email (see Contacts)

*Oils and Acrylics:   meet 10am - 12.30pm  Tuesday and Wednesdays each week at Winnie Doevendans (Crystal Road)  - email​​​​​​​ (see contacts).

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​​​​​​​Last updated Friday 7th February 2025
