Information for Novices: Nutrition
Nutrition (food) and Hydration (water) play a huge role in an athlete's performance.
For an average adult 60% of their body is water. Losing just 2% of this can reduce your performance by 20%!
Lose 7% and you could collapse, and a 10% loss leads to heat exhaustion and heat stroke that can be life threatening... so read on:
Whilst your coach will give you instructions on what/when to eat/drink, here are a few general guidelines:
Once you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated.
It is essential that you remain hydrated so always carry your water bottle with you during training and before and after races.
- Drink at least 500ml of fluid 2 hrs prior to exercise or event
- Drink 250ml in 30mins prior to exercise or event
- Drink 150-300ml every15-20 minutes during exercise or event
Sports drinks are not necessary if you are doing less than an hour's exercise and you will just be wasting your money.
Replacement supplements, such as Replace, will help you to rehydrate, replace electrolytes and lost energy but again water is still best if you are only exercising for an hour or less.
It is important to replenish carbohydrates within 20 minutes of exercising (snacks like bananas, flavoured milk, creamed rice, muesli bars) and to have a meal including protein within two hours.
Junk food - fills you up so that you stop feeling hungry so won't eat the nutritious meal that your body needs
High GI (glycaemic index) foods - remember the TV ad for breakfast cereal to 'stop the fuzzies' - give you a quick 'high' and then actually make you feel worse. Low GI foods last longer and give a better result as they are more of a slow release energy source.