Legacy Taekwon-Do

Courtesy    Integrity    Perseverance    Self-Control    Indomitable Sprint

ITKD Joining Fee (one-off)


$90 each

Family Groups (2 or more):

$180 total maximum per family

ITKD Membership Fee (annually)

$40 each

Techniques Handbook

$20 (colour belt)

$25 (black belt)

Training Fees (monthly)

Junior Class:

$50 each

Senior Class:

$50 each

Family Concessions (2 or more within a family):

  • 10% discount

Uniform & Safety Equipment

Uniform & Belt:

Sparring Gear: (not required initially)

You can get a discount when you buy MightyFist ↗ 
​​​​​​​products through the club.


Monthly fees must be paid by auto-payment on the 1st day of every month into the Legacy TKD bank account:


Please use the student’s ‘full name’ as reference for payment. If a family concession, please use a ‘surname’ and ‘FAMILY’ as reference.