The Melrose Club can trace its roots back to a meeting of 'C' Company
    Melrose Battalion Home Guard held in the Newtown Library on 13 July 1943.

Excerpts take from the 50th Anniversary booklet
Researched by Ian Newton

At a public meeting held on 20 July, 1943, and attended by twenty people, the meeting resolved to form the 'C' Company Melrose Battalion Home Guard Rifle Club.

Wednesday night was selected as the club shooting night but Thursday night was available for those who could not attend on a Wednesday.

The Club commenced shooting on a Wednesday night
and has continued that with few breaks till the present day.

The club was fortunate in having the use of the Wellington Working Men's Miniature Rifle Club range and rifles, and also having available ammunition from its allocation.

A charge of 2/6 per member made by the WWMC, entitled Melrose club members to use the range only and not any of the other WWMC facilities.

Ammunition cost £3/7/6 per 1000 rounds and targets £2/10/- per 1000.