Waikato Rugby Union - Referees



Become a Rugby Referee

In the Waikato we have a very strong Referees Association, full of keen and supportive members. Every Saturday we are all out there across the province giving back to the game we love. From junior rugby right through secondary school up to premier rugby we cover over 80 games per weekend. From Tokoroa, Otorohanga up to Taupiri you will see a Waikato Rugby Referee out there doing there thing. 

We are always in need of new referees to join our ranks. If you are a current player and keen to help out before or after your game, we have games for you to be involved in. If you are recently retired from playing, there are plenty of opportunities for you within the refereeing space.

If you just love rugby and you want to give something different a go, then no doubt you will love being a referee in the Waikato. Please contact our Match Officials Game Developer:

Andrew Bowe: (e) andrewb@mooloo.co.nz (p) 021 194 7183



  • Remain regularly fit and involved in rugby.
  • Ensure that games can go ahead safely and with officials.
  • Become more knowledgeable in the game and can even help your own playing experiences. 
  • Opportunities to travel to other provinces and meet plenty of new friends. 
  • Contribute to the community and sport.
  • Meet new people and be involved in another socially active group.
  • Potential opportunities to become a representative referee.

Contact Andrew and ask for our Waikato Rugby Referees Information book for all the information about refereeing in the Waikato. ​​​​​​​

Waikato Rugby Referees Associaton Proudly Supported By: ​​​​​​​