2024 MRRA Contacts

President : Matthew McEwen

Ph: 021 228 6774

Email: matthewmcewen@hotmail.com

Vice President : Will Fish

Ph: 021 103 3930

Email: w.j.fish@massey.ac.nz

Secretary : Warrick Price

Ph: 027 637 4925

Email: secretary.manawatureferees@gmail.com

Treasurer : Bruce Anderson

Ph: 06 323 3282

Mob: 027 272 1334

Email: bruceleonie@gmail.com

Chairman - Coaching & Grading : Maurie McKeeman

Ph: 021 717 688

Email: handm@inspire.net.nz

Appointments Officer : Will Fish

Ph: 021 103 3930

Email: mrraappts@gmail.com

Judicial Committee Referees Advocate : Paul Van Deventer

Ph: (m) 021 862 880

Email: paulvandeventer@yahoo.co.uk

MRRA Member Representatives

​​​​​​​Leslie Baker : lesbakernz63@gmail.com

Jason Ingram : jasethebuilder@gmail.com

These two are your Association Member reps. They are the voice for your concerns or issues you want to bring to the attention of the executive committee.

Make good use of them.

Manawatu Rugby Union Referee Education Officer

Matt Booth

Ph :  0273 399 388

Email : mattb@manawaturugby.co.nz